Tid Bit Poet

Tid Bit Poet

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Time to Change!

Time to Change!

When the wind hurls
and swirls
it has the capacity
to traverse the world

it carries the pollen grain
  to free the earth of the monotony mane
it brings about rain
  to blossom the carried pollen pollinated grain

a new species is born
a new flower has blossomed!!
a new fruit is borne
a new tree is rooted

a new home
a new food
adding to earth's diversity
a new change of the many

the wind !!
say seem to have originated
when the Caterpillar blooms into a butterfly
flapping its wings
bringing an effect
bringing a change
unaware of

there is no time for change
there is always change
in every action we take
it has this cascading range
domino's flipping
one assisting the other

we part of the same ecosystem
so lets not be lazy
and keep the world all dazy!!
we just another domino
which when flipped!!
are bound to create ripples

FB link of Time to Change!!!

This poem is written for the competition Time to change! on Indiblogger


  1. Excellent thoughts & such a unique take on this topic.good luck.

  2. Beautifully written and so true that every action of ours brings about change in our carefully balanced ecosystem. Wish I could close my eyes and simply listen to a powerful voice reciting your poem.

  3. Nicely written
    Well done yaar..all the best.
    Also Check out mine.
    Are Hijra's(TransGender) not a Human being.?

  4. Very well written..:-) Beautiful lines..:-)
